Non formal education division offices in ghana
Non formal education division offices in ghana

non formal education division offices in ghana non formal education division offices in ghana

A substantial number of dropouts also cannot get back to school. A large number of children cannot enter the formal education system due to various reasons. But it is not possible to bring all sections of the people under the formal education system. The country has a very high level of illiteracy although its constitution recognises basic education as a fundamental right and the universal primary education as a basic state policy. This project continued even after independence of Bangladesh. In 1963, an adult education section was opened at Comilla BARD campus under a pilot project of the directorate of public instruction. After the death of Beaver in 1962, the programme stagnated. It produced 24 books for adult learning including 12 for neo-literates. Inspired and encouraged by Beaver, the East Pakistan Adult Education Cooperative Society came into existence. In 1956, HGS Beaver, a bureaucrat of government established a 'Literacy Centre' at Dhaka and his associates developed a primer and some charts as learning materials. But the programme approached a closure due to the Second World War.Īfter 1947, it was revived through individual initiatives. Adult education programme was brought under the newly formed rural development department of the provincial government. In 1939, Frank Luebac's campaign of 'Each One Teach One' gained popularity among the masses. Several attempts had been initiated from 1935 onwards at the central, community and individual levels for adult literacy and universal primary education.

non formal education division offices in ghana

By 1926, over a thousand night schools were functioning. In furtherance of the foregoing, ICCES is committed to maintaining high standards of Integrity, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Productivity and Team work through respect for each other.Non-Formal education was formally launched in this country in 1918 when an attempt was made to start adult education in night schools. ¨ Build the competency levels of ICCES graduates to be competitive in the market place and encourage cooperative group formation among them, to access micro credit for their business set up. ¨ Build the administrative capacity of the Directorate and Regional Secretariats for effective service delivery. ¨ Enhance the service delivery capacity of ICCES staff at all levels through training and re-training. ¨ Develop Competency Based Training (CBT) and demand driven Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes in ICCES. To train the youth in demand-driven employable skills for self or paid employment in their chosen trades through micro and small-scale enterprises development to combat youth unemployment and thereby mitigate rural-urban drift and contribute to the development of a sustainable labour force for employment in the Country. ¨ Primary objective of providing employable skills to the rural folk for the result of curbing rural-urban drift and its attendant social vices and reducing youth unemployment.īe the leader in TVET/CBT skills provision in rural communities in the Country. ¨ Training programmes target the Illiterate, semi-literates and literate youth. ¨ Mandated to train the youth, especially the unemployed in Technical and Vocational Skills Integrated Community Centre for Employable Skills (ICCES) is an agency under Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR) with policy objective to increase young person’s access to skills acquisition and empowerment for productive employment. Established under the Non-Formal Education Division (NFED) of the Ministry of Education (MOE) in April 1986, ICCES was moved to its current Ministry, the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations by cabinet decision in 1994.

Non formal education division offices in ghana